Louise Orwin's short performance was powerful, but extremely weird. She started off dressed up as a 15 year old girl, in a blonde curly wig, with a face full of makeup & revealing clothes. She then began to mime to a Britney Spears song, which was slightly confusing, with her the camera wandering down her top, and into her mouth on several occasions. At one point many thought she was even going to put the camera up her dress which was slightly uncomfortable to watch! Once she got more into the performance it became clear that she was trying to come across as a young girl, who had done her self up for the viewers of YouTube. She came up with a number of teenage alter-egos - an emo girl called Becky, a nerdy girl called Amanda and another called Baby. In these alter-ego videos she was pretending to be teenage girls doing the craze of 'am i ugly or pretty' videos. Asking people to comment on whether they are pretty or ugly. She also went on chat websites as these alter-ego's and received many messages off many different people, including grown men. With her doing this project she has got her own statistics which she put up for the audience to see, making it more believable for the viewers, as real evidence. The production was powerful as the information she spoke about did come across in a way that made you watch and listen. You couldn't help but watch!
It was something different, and something I wasn't expecting to see. The am I pretty or ugly campaign reminded me of social networking sites such as Facebook etc. Not in a video form like Louise Orwin's performance, but in their photographs. I've seen many people post pictures of themselves in exposing manors or with extreme amounts of makeup. Girls often looking a lot older than they actually are, just to get likes on their pictures. I feel people see picture likes as being popular, the more likes you get the more popular you are. But in fact, looking at the photos that have received x amount of likes they have only achieved this by showing off more of their body and most likely being fake.
(Here is an un-edited clip of Louise Orwin I found off YouTube on the Pop Trigger show talking about her project, and the effects/issues)
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